
Showing posts from March, 2020

Coronavirus precautions

Privacy Policy We "Mikrma East" built the "Corona Virus Precautions" app as an Ad Supported app. This SERVICE is provided by mikrma east at no cost and is intended for use as is. In this app we are giving only some helpful information regarding Corona Virus which is causing severe health issue globally to patients around the world. This is based on medical data freely available on internet according to current and past medical research. We want to disclose that we are not medical specialist or doctors to heal this disease. We are only giving only information on Corona virus, its historical information and symptoms present in a patient. That patient may/ may not addicted from this disease actually. We only suggest if any/ or not a patient to consult his/her doctor regarding the disease diagnostics and treatment. We never suggest a user to take/adapt some home made tips/trick to recover from this disea